Andreas Seitz Coaching

My Clients...

... are leaders with varying degrees of responsibility: executives and members of management boards, divisional managers, team managers, and people who manage projects. Leaders from Europe, Asia, and America. For the past 25 years. What they all have in common: They operate in increasingly complex tension fields. These are areas where more conflicts and contradictions arise. They are shaped by rapid change and the constant need to adjust decisions. Where it is crucial to take people along on the journey of change. Therefore, the main concern of my clients is, on one hand, to find a healthy path through these tension fields for themselves and to develop the necessary impact as leaders. This requires different effectiveness today than it did in the past.

Why Coaching?

Coaching is today an essential tool in both professional support and personal development. As a coach, I help you get in touch with your resources through a precise clarification of your issue and focus on the solution rather than the problem. It is fulfilling to see how little it sometimes takes in coaching for individuals, teams, and even entire organizations to experience breakthroughs. When leaders decide to engage in coaching, it has a positive impact on the entire system.

What are your benefits?

A typical piece of feedback from my clients is that I inspire people, helping them recognize new ways and options for action. I am convinced that each of us has many hidden potentials that are waiting to be discovered. Unlocking potential is thus coaching effect number one. This also applies to the state of calm that coachees sometimes achieve – this clarity helps them realize what truly matters, giving space to what is important instead of many small, less significant matters. A common piece of feedback I receive is that new approaches to leadership emerge in coaching, with a different impact on leadership effectiveness.

How does coaching have positive impact?

A meta-study by the University of Amsterdam* shows that coaching works on multiple levels: increased willingness to perform, the development of specific skills, improved well-being, overcoming challenges, a more positive attitude towards work, and the achievement of personal goals. Overall, the study found that coaching strengthens people in their professional roles. For this reason, coaching is increasingly being used as a development tool for leaders. In the 2017 Kienbaum HR study, most respondents identified coaching as the most important measure for leadership development.

  • Tim Theeboom, Does Coaching Work? University of Amsterdam 2013. Kienbaum Future Management Study 2017